I felt like I had to make my voice heard here. I won't be heard from often, but I want it known where I stand. For the record I do support Court's book effort. I support her fitness, photography and tanning efforts. I applaud her many, many homemaking skills. The homeschooling is her choice. I feel if she can keep up the house and take care of her family's real needs, she should be able to do what she wants with her free time and have a little fun with the schooling.
But there is a line that I won't have crossed. Court and I had a meeting before we got married. We made a contract with each other. I would be the provider, she the caretaker. After we got over a few rough spots (she needed encouragement about budgeting) she's become pretty close to perfect. She makes great bread, keeps up with the scrapbooking and even ventures into some home decorating. Shes a good dancer (not necessarily important but a nice perk). She breeds our dogs and bears children equally well. In tender moments I've often praised her with, "You were born to be pregnant
with my children."
As Court has accurately reported, I am climbing the ladder. I'm a good provider and dad. Along as Court keeps up her end of the deal, she's got my blessing to write a book, run for office or be a counselor at Birch Camp. Thanks. (By the way, this is one of my favorite pictures of myself. Union workers be afraid. Be real afraid.
hey Jared
quick question and comment, but not necessarily in that order: i loved your input. My wife and I also made a verbal commitment to each other about man/woman roles (i know i know, don't get me started) but what do I do...i work all day to provide for her and when i get home, sometimes i wonder what she has done all day. Got any suggestions to get your wife to commit? go for it? I don't know if other guys are having the same problem, but maybe the wives have unionized or something...
Running for office! I like that idea. Court, are you up to it?!
Uh....Luke?! We are ORGANIZING our homes. Duh.
This is also one of my favorite pictures of Jare.
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